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Three Considerations for Choosing a Food-Handling Conveyor Material

If you are expanding your business in the food industry, you should think about installing a conveyor solution into the processing premises. This material handling system will increase the productivity in your setup by moving the goods more conveniently. Moreover, you will reduce the incidences of injury and strain in your workers because they will not have to haul products manually.

When choosing a food industry conveyor, there are numerous factors that you should evaluate before purchase. The most critical is the material used for fabrication. Here are primary considerations to help you choose the right conveyors for your operation.

Material Compatibility

When looking for a conveyor solution for your applications, you should think about the compatibility between the belt options and your specific operation. In simple terms, you should ensure that the contact between your processed foods and the surface of the conveyor will not cause an unsuitable interaction. In general, you should consider the temperature of your food items and its effect on the conveyor material. If you are handling hot or cold products, you should ensure that your belt will not sustain damage from the contact. Also, you should evaluate the level of moisture and chemicals in the food items against the material compositions in the market.


You should consider the toxicity of the materials used to manufacture conveyors before selecting the right option for your operation. There are numerous fabrication materials which can compromise human health after contact with food. In simple terms, some belts can be used in other industries for handling products. However, if they come into direct contact with food and are ingested, there might be negative health repercussions. Therefore, when purchasing a conveyor, you should specify that you would like a food-grade material. This type of conveyor surface is tested rigorously and approved for safe use in handling edible products.


Finally, you should think about surface cleanliness. Unlike other industries, a conveyor system in the food industry will need to maintain an exceptional level of sanitation. In general, if the belt is sensitive to chemicals and cannot be cleaned and frequently disinfected without wear, you should choose an alternative. Also, the system should have a nonporous surface; this will limit moisture absorption. Remember, the pores can provide a breeding ground for microorganisms and might be difficult to clean.

Choosing the perfect conveyor solution for your food business can be a challenging process. Therefore, you should consult a turnkey engineering solutions provider for professional guidance and customisable solutions.
