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How Mobile Soil Testing Labs Have Changed the Game for Today's Farmers

With the advent of mobile soil testing labs, things have changed for the better. Farmers no longer have to make trips to the soil testing labs because the soil tests they need can now be carried out right at their doorstep. A mobile soil testing lab is essentially a vehicle, typically a truck, equipped with all the equipment required to perform various tests on soil samples. The points elaborated below will provide further information on the way the introduction of these mobile labs has benefited farmers across Australia and several other parts of the world.

They give an accurate assessment of soil health.

Because mobile soil testing labs are designed and built to match industry standards, they retain the same standards as a traditional soil testing lab. These labs can be used to accurately measure and analyse soil acidity and nutritional content, so that the farmer can be provided with a soil health card they can use to determine the excesses and deficiencies in their soils. Based on the results of the tests performed, soil testing technicians can make soil recommendations to the farmer.

They have helped to increase access to soil testing facilities.

By bringing soil testing services right at the doorstep of farmers, the practice of soil testing has increasingly been embraced in the agriculture industry. Farmers who previously failed to have their soils tested simply because their farms are located too far away from the nearest soil testing labs now have little to no reason not to test their soils. As a result, soil testing has become common practice by most farmers.

They lead to faster turnaround. 

Traditionally, farmers used to collect soil samples from their fields, take the samples to soil testing labs found at local agricultural research facilities, and wait for several days, weeks or even months before they could obtain results. Thanks to the availability of mobile soil testing labs, the same tests that were traditionally performed at some off-site facility can now be done in the field and results provided in the same day. This eliminates the need to delay crucial decisions until the results of the tests have been made available to farmers. 

Now that you're informed about mobile soil testing, make sure your soils are tested periodically. There's no universally accepted "best time" to have your soil tested, so you should consult the technicians at a certified soil testing service to advise you accordingly.
